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Nearly 20 Square Miles of Land in San Luis Obispo County Designated as North Carrizo Ecological Reserve

Designation expands conservation land network in Carrizo Plain region.

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Trump Administration Seeks to Open Public Lands to Uranium Mining

Report could revive historic uranium claims in Los Padres National Forest.

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Trump Administration OKs New Drilling and Fracking on One Million Acres Across Central California

Final Environmental Impact Statement recommends no changes to original plan.

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Volunteers Remove Trash on West Cuesta Ridge for Creeks to Coast Cleanup

Volunteers remove 330 pounds of trash from the ridge.

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New Oil Drilling Halted in Carrizo Plain National Monument

Appeal upheld in challenge to plans for a new oil well and pipeline.

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Trump Administration Releases Draft Study of Drilling and Fracking Throughout Central Coast Region

Public comments accepted until June 10.

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BLM Receives Overwhelming Opposition to Proposed Drilling and Fracking Plan

Agency receives over 8,000 comments opposing plans to expand oil drilling and fracking on public lands.

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Land and Water Conservation Fund Set to Expire Unless Congress Acts

Over 125 parks across the Central Coast have received funding through the legislation.

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ForestWatch Volunteers Join California Coastal Cleanup Day on West Cuesta Ridge

Volunteers remove 160 pounds of trash and microtrash from West Cuesta Ridge near SLO.

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Trails, Schools, and Conservation Lands to Be Opened for Oil Drilling, Fracking Across Central Coast

Proposal could open up over 200,000 acres of public land and mineral estate along Central Coast to drilling and fracking.

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