Hispanic Access Foundation’s first-ever Latino Advocacy Week begins March 15 and runs through March 19. All week, Latino communities, organizations, families and individuals will be supported via virtual workshops and webinars to support their growth as community advocates leading for themselves and their communities.
ForestWatch’s Director of Youth and Community Engagement, Graciela Cabello, was recently featured in a short film, Yo Cuento, by Latino Outdoors. A screening and panel discussion is scheduled for March 18, 2021, 7pm, as part of Latino Advocacy Week. Register here.

Latino Advocacy Week brings together community-led organizations, local and national nonprofits, faith-based organizations, community leaders, and elected officials to champion legislation, offer capacity strengthening opportunities and advocacy tools to support Latinos across the country as leaders forging a more equitable society.
Priority issue areas center on public health, environmental equity and climate, as well as partnerships, policy and tools for inclusive advocacy. Visit LatinoAdvocacyWeek.org for a complete schedule of events.

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