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ForestWatch Urges State Officials to Protect Forest from Fracking

Officials Accept Public Input on the Controversial Oil Extraction Process

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Forest Service Issues Draft Decision Against any New Wilderness in Los Padres National Forest

Decision Rejects Wilderness Protection for 16 Pristine Roadless Areas, Leaving Them Vulnerable to Development

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Report: Oil Industry Trashing Public Lands and Endangering Wildlife in Los Padres National Forest

ForestWatch Investigation Reveals Widespread Trash Contamination, Toxic Chemicals, and Other Hazards to Endangered California Condors in Ventura County’s Sespe Oil Field

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ForestWatch Issues Statement on Draft Fracking Regulations

Draft Regulations Released Today Will Govern the Controversial Oil Extraction Process in the Los Padres National Forest’s Sespe Oil Field

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Fracking Escalates in Los Padres National Forest

Controversial Oil Extraction Technique Recently Used on Six More Wells in the Sespe Oil Field

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What’s at Stake

Sixteen Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) across the Los Padres National Forest were included in the Forest Service’s recently-released draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement …

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ForestWatch Investigation Reveals Widespread Fracking in Los Padres

The controversial oil extraction technique is making a resurgence in the Sespe Oil Field, threatening downstream water supplies…

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ForestWatch Protects Cuyama Valley From Large-Scale Oil Exploration

Project Would Have Used Dynamite, Helicopters & ATVs to Explore For Oil Deposits Across 23 Square Miles Between the Los Padres National Forest & Carrizo Plain…

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Agency Requires a Full Environmental Study of Company’s Plans to Explore for Oil on the Carrizo Plain National Monument

The Bureau of Land Management requires a full Environmental Impact Statement due to potential significant impacts.

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Oil Company Seeks Drilling Rights in Upper Lopez Canyon

ForestWatch joins with landowners to protect Lopez Creek and Santa Lucia Wilderness.

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