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November Clean-up Success

LPFW volunteers clean up Tar Creek trailhead and Sespe tributary shooting area

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Report: Oil Industry Trashing Public Lands and Endangering Wildlife in Los Padres National Forest

ForestWatch Investigation Reveals Widespread Trash Contamination, Toxic Chemicals, and Other Hazards to Endangered California Condors in Ventura County’s Sespe Oil Field

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ForestWatch Issues Statement on Draft Fracking Regulations

Draft Regulations Released Today Will Govern the Controversial Oil Extraction Process in the Los Padres National Forest’s Sespe Oil Field

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Fracking Escalates in Los Padres National Forest

Controversial Oil Extraction Technique Recently Used on Six More Wells in the Sespe Oil Field

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Thorn Point Clean-up

Historic Lookout Site Scoured for Microtrash

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Capitol Building

House Passes Bill to Open National Forests to Development, Waive Environmental Laws, and Reduce Public Input

Legislation would expand development throughout the Los Padres…

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What’s at Stake

Sixteen Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) across the Los Padres National Forest were included in the Forest Service’s recently-released draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement …

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Protect Los Padres Wilderness!

A coalition of forest users, local business leaders, elected officials, scientists, and other stakeholders are working together to ask the Forest Service to reconsider its “no-new-wilderness” policy …

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California condor

Condor Roost Trees May Be Cut Down

ForestWatch defends old-growth trees where endangered condors rest during long flights across the landscape…

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ForestWatch Investigation Reveals Widespread Fracking in Los Padres

The controversial oil extraction technique is making a resurgence in the Sespe Oil Field, threatening downstream water supplies…

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