Proposal would have added up to 78 tankers per day through national forest.

Santa Barbara County Denies ExxonMobil Oil-Trucking Plan

Santa Barbara County Recreation Master Plan Survey
Let the County know what you need to play, run, bike, hike, camp, and get outdoors.

Trump Administration Proposes Rollback of Oil Drilling Regulations in National Forests
Weaker regulations would apply to thousands of acres in the Los Padres National Forest.

Legal Update: Bringing Steelhead Back to the Sisquoc River
New developments in legal case against dam operator.

Volunteers Clean Up Microtrash on West Fork Cold Spring Trail
Over 60 pounds of lead, broken glass, and other trash removed from the site.

ForestWatch Gets Teens Outside For Rainy Day Fun
Hiking in the rain can have many benefits and provide a new appreciation for getting outdoors.

Trump Administration OKs New Drilling and Fracking on One Million Acres Across Central California
Final Environmental Impact Statement recommends no changes to original plan.

Carpinteria City Council Opposes Drilling and Fracking Adjacent to Forest
Council unanimously passes resolution opposing Trump oil plan.

Environmental Groups Seek Protections for Endangered Steelhead in the Santa Maria River
New lawsuit seeks water releases from Twitchell Dam to allow steelhead movement.

Supervisors Approve Resolution Opposing Trump’s Oil Drilling and Fracking Plan
Plan would open 122,000 acres of public land and mineral estate in Santa Barbara County to new oil drilling and fracking.
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Wild Things
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