ForestWatch launches effort to restore public access to the Los Padres National Forest in SLO County’s Huasna Valley…

Supreme Court Upholds Protections for Roadless Areas
The U.S. Supreme Court denies industry challenge to 2001 Roadless Rule, leaving intact protections for 600,000 acres of the Los Padres National Forest…

State Cancels Proposed Bear Hunting Season in SLO County
Dept. of Fish & Game withdraws plans for the first-ever black bear hunting season.

Bear Hunting Proposal Shot Down for Second Time in Two Years
Fish & Game indefinitely delays proposal to allow first-ever bear hunting season in SLO County.

Trophy Hunting of Black Bears Proposed for SLO County…Again
The state proposal is riddled with errors; ForestWatch submits detailed legal & scientific comments.

Voice Your Support for Black Bears in SLO County
Fish & Game Dept. will revisit proposal to allow bear hunting in SLO County.

County Bear Hunting Proposal Shot Down!
Bears get a reprieve as Commission decides to postpone vote in response to public concern.

Trophy Hunting of Black Bears May Be Allowed in SLO County
Fifty bears could be killed in the county each year; many questions unanswered.

Oil Company Seeks Drilling Rights in Upper Lopez Canyon
ForestWatch joins with landowners to protect Lopez Creek and Santa Lucia Wilderness.

BLM Announces Another Land Giveaway of 19,600 Acres to Oil Companies
Public lands near Los Padres and Carrizo Plain auctioned for as little as $2 per acre.
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