A cadre of hearty ForestWatch volunteers descended upon Valle Vista camp in the Mt Pinos Ranger District on Saturday, 7/27/2013 to remove microtrash from the site. Microtrash is small bits of litter like bottle caps, shell casings, and pull tabs which California condors ingest, much to their hazard.

Valle Vista Clean-up Crew, 7/27/2013
In total, 210 lbs. of micro- and macrotrash — ranging from bottle caps and broken glass to car chrome and spent propane cylinders — were hauled out (and, where applicable, recycled). We were also treated to a few condor sightings. A big thanks to everybody who pitched in!
If you’d like to roll up your sleeves to pitch in and help us with microtrash clean-up, fence removal, or any of our other projects benefiting the Los Padres and its wild creatures and habitats, sign up here!
Images courtesy Perry Van Houten and Bardley Smith.
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