A short documentary film produced by Los Padres ForestWatch and Santa Barbara-based nonprofit The Sea League has been selected for the 37th Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Black Like Plastic draws parallels between Black people in nature and plastic in the environment, and touches on the Black experience outdoors.
The film—written by Tanai Drayton—was co-produced and directed by ForestWatch’s Director of Youth and Community Engagement, Graciela Cabello, and The Sea League’s founder and Executive Director, Chris Ragland. It features PhD candidate and microplastic researcher Timnit Kefela as well as master’s candidate Sophia Wilmore, both from The Bren School at UCSB. The film also features Santa Barbara residents Leeandra Shalhoob, Shevon Hoover and her two children, Naya and Roman.
You can view the trailer for the film below. Stay tuned for more information about the film festival screening this March and future screening events open to the general public.
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