News Items

Women’s History Month: Leaders of Central Coast Public Lands
Honoring extraordinary women who have played a leading role in protecting public lands and waters throughout California’s central coast region.

Forest Service Releases Draft Management Plan for Wild & Scenic Piru Creek
Stakeholders weigh in on southern California’s newest “Wild and Scenic” waterway

Celebrating Environmental Leaders on California’s Central Coast
Honoring and celebrating individuals within our community who champion various environmental causes.

New Oil Exploration in Cuyama Valley Approved Despite Opposition, Unanswered Questions
Planning Commissioners reject concerns from local residents, groups.

PUBLIC Lands Act heads for Senate floor vote
Surprise update, PUBLIC Lands Act heads for Senate floor vote for the first time!

Ventura County Toxic Tour
Head regulators of oil and gas in California tour oil drilling infrastructure sites in Ventura County.
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Wild Things
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