Los Padres ForestWatch hosts events throughout the year. From volunteer projects out in the national forest to fun membership events throughout the region, there are a lot of ways to get involved. Take a look at our calendar to learn more about upcoming events and how you can join us!
Upcoming Volunteer Projects
Want to help your public lands? We have several opportunities for you to get out and make a difference. From cleaning up microtrash in the backcountry to protect endangered California condors and water quality to helping us staff a booth at an event, there is something for everyone. Click here for a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Upcoming Bilingual Hikes – Caminatas Bilingüe
ForestWatch is committed to expanding forest access to surrounding community members. In an effort to support our Spanish speaking community, we lead hikes in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties with a Spanish speaking guide. (click here for dates)
ForestWatch se compromete a ampliar el acceso de los bosques a los miembros de la comunidad circundante. En un esfuerzo por apoyar a nuestra comunidad Latina, guiamos excursiones en los condados de Santa Barbara y Ventura con un guía que habla español. (haga clic aquí para las fechas)