Bill would halt Trump administration’s drilling and fracking plan.

Legislation Proposed to Ban New Oil & Gas Leasing on Federal Lands

House Passes Wilderness and Wild River Protections for Central Coast
Conservation act benefits local recreation, economy, and wildlife.

Trump Administration Finalizes Approval for Drilling and Fracking California Parks, Schools, Reservoirs, and Nature Preserves
Federal land to be opened to new drilling and fracking after six-year moratorium.

ForestWatch Partners with Parent Groups to Get Families Outdoors
With much of the energy going towards getting children outside, how are families going outdoors?

Trump Administration OKs New Drilling and Fracking on One Million Acres Across Central California
Final Environmental Impact Statement recommends no changes to original plan.

Carpinteria City Council Opposes Drilling and Fracking Adjacent to Forest
Council unanimously passes resolution opposing Trump oil plan.

National Public Lands Day Celebrated on Pine Mountain
ForestWatch and Runners for Public Lands team up for a weekend on the mountain.

Los Padres ForestWatch: Fifteen Years of Conservation Victories
Take a look at what we’ve accomplished together.

ForestWatch Hosts Community Hike with Congressman Salud Carbajal
Constituents come out to meet their representative and to enjoy a naturalist-led hike.

Trump Administration Receives Widespread Opposition to NEPA Rollback Proposal
Over 43,000 comments submitted in opposition.
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Wild Things
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