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County Votes to Study Lax Oversight of Oil Drilling Permits Near Forest

Many permits were approved a half-century ago, placing the environment and communities at risk.

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Spring Break in the Los Padres

Exposing teenagers to the beauty and richness that exists within a short distance from home.

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Ventura County Adopts Protections for Wildlife Corridors

In historic 3-2 vote, supervisors adopt a wildlife corridor ordinance—the first of its kind in the state.

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Ventura County Supervisors Receive Overwhelming Community Support for Wildlife Corridors

Over 700 individuals, 41 organizations, 17 businesses, and four cities support the proposal.

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ForestWatch Engages New Stakeholders By Going Outside

Fostering nature connection for a stronger conservation movement.

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Ventura County Planning Commission Advances Protections for Wildlife Corridors

Commissioners vote 5-0 to send the proposed protections for wildlife corridors to the Board of Supervisors.

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Groups File Opening Arguments in Santa Paula Canyon Drilling Litigation

ForestWatch and partners appeal earlier decision allowing new drilling with minimal environmental review.

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Volunteers Remove 1,100 Pounds of Trash From North Fork Matilija Creek Watershed

Decades-old trash exposed by the Thomas Fire removed from Cannon Creek area north of Ojai.

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Volunteers Remove 150 Pounds of Trash From Santa Paula Canyon

ForestWatch volunteers remove old trash revealed by the Thomas Fire.

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BLM Receives Overwhelming Opposition to Proposed Drilling and Fracking Plan

Agency receives over 8,000 comments opposing plans to expand oil drilling and fracking on public lands.

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