ForestWatch Praises Bill to Protect More Than 300,000 Acres of Public Land and 158 Miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers Along California’s Central Coast

Wilderness Legislation Announced for Los Padres & Carrizo Plain

McPherson Peak Clean-up
Clean-up in Condor Country

Tamarisk Eradication along Rancho Nuevo Creek
Volunteers Tackle Tamarisk on Edge of Dick Smith Wilderness

ForestWatch Files Formal Objection to “No New Wilderness” Policy
Objection challenges recent decision against establishing any new wilderness areas in our local backcountry

Forest Service Issues Draft Decision Against any New Wilderness in Los Padres National Forest
Decision Rejects Wilderness Protection for 16 Pristine Roadless Areas, Leaving Them Vulnerable to Development

Lizard’s Mouth Clean-up
ForestWatch volunteers clean-up popular climbing area in Santa Ynez Mountains

Cuyama Peak Clean-up
Clean-up in Condor Country

House Passes Bill to Open National Forests to Development, Waive Environmental Laws, and Reduce Public Input
Legislation would expand development throughout the Los Padres…

What’s at Stake
Sixteen Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) across the Los Padres National Forest were included in the Forest Service’s recently-released draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement …

Protect Los Padres Wilderness!
A coalition of forest users, local business leaders, elected officials, scientists, and other stakeholders are working together to ask the Forest Service to reconsider its “no-new-wilderness” policy …
We need your help! Join our list of dedicated, fun-loving, adventurous volunteers today.
Wild Things
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