Microtrash clean-up at an historic lookout site
About ForestWatch
Frazier Mountain Clean-up
McPherson Peak Clean-up
Clean-up in Condor Country
Sespe Tamarisk Project
Volunteer crew removes more tamarisk from Sespe watershed
Tamarisk Eradication along Rancho Nuevo Creek
Volunteers Tackle Tamarisk on Edge of Dick Smith Wilderness
ForestWatch Files Formal Objection to “No New Wilderness” Policy
Objection challenges recent decision against establishing any new wilderness areas in our local backcountry
Kings Clean-up
ForestWatch volunteers clear out another shooting area
Sespe Shooting Area Clean-up
ForestWatch volunteers haul more trash out of the Sespe watershed
Recovery Plan Issued for Endangered Steelhead in SLO & Monterey Counties
Fisheries Biologists Present a Roadmap to Restore Historic Steelhead Runs to the Los Padres National Forest
Carrizo Plain Service
ForestWatch and Sierra Club team up for fence removal project on the Carrizo Plain
Tamarisk Eradication Along the Sespe
ForestWatch and Keep The Sespe Wild return to Sespe watershed for more tamarisk eradication
We need your help! Join our list of dedicated, fun-loving, adventurous volunteers today.
Wild Things
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Stay tuned!