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Cerro Noroeste Clean-up

Service at 8,000 Feet

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Oil Industry Proposes Fracking Eight More Wells in Los Padres National Forest

Forest Officials Accept Public Comments through June 4 — Click Here to Submit Comments

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ForestWatch Halts Three Fracking Operations in Sespe Watershed

Public Agencies Erroneously Issued Permits for Drilling

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Frazier Mountain Clean-up

Microtrash clean-up at an historic lookout site

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McPherson Peak Clean-up

Clean-up in Condor Country

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Sespe Tamarisk Project

Volunteer crew removes more tamarisk from Sespe watershed

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Tamarisk Eradication along Rancho Nuevo Creek

Volunteers Tackle Tamarisk on Edge of Dick Smith Wilderness

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ForestWatch Files Formal Objection to “No New Wilderness” Policy

Objection challenges recent decision against establishing any new wilderness areas in our local backcountry

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Kings Clean-up

ForestWatch volunteers clear out another shooting area

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Sespe Shooting Area Clean-up

ForestWatch volunteers haul more trash out of the Sespe watershed

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