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Celebrating the End of an Era on the Carrizo Plain Ecological Reserve

For the first time in decades, commercial livestock grazing will not be allowed anywhere in the Carrizo Plain Ecological Reserve.

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Figueroa Mountain Cannabis Grow Site Cleanup

ForestWatch volunteers clean up Cannabis grow site near Figueroa Mountain

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Forest Service Issues Final Decision Rejecting New Wilderness in Los Padres National Forest

None of the viable 421,000 acres will be protected as wilderness

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Small Dam Removed from Lion Creek

Forest Service removes long defunct dam in Lion Creek.

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Forest Service Agrees to Reconsider Wilderness Protection in LPNF

The U.S. Forest Service is now reevaluating seven roadless areas to recommend as wilderness.

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West Camino Cielo Target Shooting Site Cleanup

Volunteers remove hundreds of pounds of debris and trash left behind by target shooters.

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ForestWatch Appeals 5 Oil Wells in Condor Country

Appeal seeks protection for endangered California Condors near Lake Piru

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Conservation Groups File Appeal to Halt Restart of Abandoned Oil Field in Remote Canyon in Ventura County

Three conservation groups file an appeal to stop the reopening of an abandoned oil field

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Fall 2014 Newsletter

You can now click here to download the must-read spring issue of ForestWatch’s membership newsletter.

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Chuchupate Invasives Project

Volunteers clear invasives from USFS Ranger Station grounds and adjacent wetland

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