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Central Coast Conservation Bill Advances in U.S. House

California Central Coast Conservation Bill Advances in the U.S. House.

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Trump Administration OKs New Drilling and Fracking on One Million Acres Across Central California

Final Environmental Impact Statement recommends no changes to original plan.

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Carpinteria City Council Opposes Drilling and Fracking Adjacent to Forest

Council unanimously passes resolution opposing Trump oil plan.

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Fifth Annual Santa Barbara WILD! a Major Success

Conservationists from around the region come together to support ForestWatch.

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Environmental Groups Seek Protections for Endangered Steelhead in the Santa Maria River

New lawsuit seeks water releases from Twitchell Dam to allow steelhead movement.

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Supervisors Approve Resolution Opposing Trump’s Oil Drilling and Fracking Plan

Plan would open 122,000 acres of public land and mineral estate in Santa Barbara County to new oil drilling and fracking.

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Bobcats Now Safe From Trophy Hunting in California

New law bans bobcat trophy hunting in California and mandates a management plan to maintain healthy bobcat populations.

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Los Angeles Times Article Highlights Ineffectiveness of Fuel Breaks Throughout California

Story cites leading scientists, firefighters, Forest Service employees, and conservation groups.

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Supervisors Take the First Step Towards Modernizing Antiquated Oil Drilling Permits

The move will protect public lands, clean water, and healthy communities throughout the county.

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Los Padres ForestWatch: Fifteen Years of Conservation Victories

Take a look at what we’ve accomplished together.

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