About Bryant Baker

Bryant is the Director of Conservation & Research for Los Padres ForestWatch, where he manages scientific, technical, and volunteer projects. He is also a naturalist and photographer, spending most of his free time hiking the rugged public lands of the Central Coast region with his dog.
Author Archive | Bryant Baker

Forest Service Extends Target Shooting Ban in Los Padres National Forest

Decision allows volunteers to continue cleaning up over 100 unmanaged sites.

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Volunteers Clean Up Microtrash on West Fork Cold Spring Trail

Over 60 pounds of lead, broken glass, and other trash removed from the site.

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Patagonia’s Great Pacific Iron Works Team Cleans Up Santa Paula Canyon

Over 200 pounds removed from the canyon.

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Timber Industry Groups Side with Trump Administration in Commercial Logging Lawsuit

Three logging groups filed to intervene as defendants in the case.

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National Public Lands Day Celebrated on Pine Mountain

ForestWatch and Runners for Public Lands team up for a weekend on the mountain.

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Volunteers Remove Trash on West Cuesta Ridge for Creeks to Coast Cleanup

Volunteers remove 330 pounds of trash from the ridge.

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Trump Administration Receives Widespread Opposition to NEPA Rollback Proposal

Over 43,000 comments submitted in opposition.

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ForestWatch Joins Local Residents in Filing Lawsuit Against Commercial Logging Project in Los Padres National Forest

Suit comes after months of unanswered requests for environmental review.

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ForestWatch and Partners File Lawsuit Against Logging Project in Condor Habitat

Forest Service approval of commercial logging violated federal law.

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ForestWatch Teams Up With Boys and Girls Club of Santa Barbara to Clean Up La Cumbre Peak

It was the first trip to the peak for many.

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