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Click on the image from each film to view a sneak preview!

Flathead Wild
Trip Jennings, Andrew Maser
Explore what it takes to be a conservation photographer. Join the adventure; experience one of the cleanest rivers, the camera trapping, the wildlife and the breathtaking views. These photographers have 13 days to make iconic images that can be used as tools for conservation and could possibly help to tip the scales in favor of protecting this pristine wilderness in British Columbia. Will they do it?
Split Estate
Debra Anderson
Imagine discovering that you don’t own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine having little recourse, other than accepting an unregulated industry in your backyard.
Severine von Tscharner Fleming
This spring found young farmers as unlikely poster children of a new zeitgeist. In many communities these bright 20- and 30-somethings are contributing and leading the way into a new world of agriculture, sustainability and economics.
A Simple Question: The Story of S.T.R.A.W.
Wild & Scenic Spirit Activism Award 2010
Kevin White, David Donnenfield
Simple hope and inspiration can be found in the Stemple Creek Watershed of Northern California. In 1992, a fourth grade class-project began what is now a remarkable program restoring over 20 miles of habitat, galvanizing the local community, and leading to significant educational innovations.
Ascending the Giants
John Waller
You may hug a tree, but would you climb one? Join tree lovers & climbers Brian and Will as they attempt to find Oregon’s largest Sitka Spruce trees. Through their eyes, from both ground and canopy views, we discover the breathtaking beauty of these beautiful giants.
Nature Propelled
Seth Warren, narrated by Patrick Stewart
Following the historic petroleum-free journey captured in his previous film Oil+Water, Seth Warren embarks on a new adventure with his nature powered fire truck named Baby, this time tracking the life cycle of water through the seasons. Featuring stunning and often daring footage, the film demonstrates the connection between the elements, renewable energy, adventure sports, and practical ways that individuals can use these elements to power their lifestyles.

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