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November 30, 2006

Wildlife Advocates File Suit to Replace Toxic Ammo with Safer Alternatives

Simple, Practical Steps Called for to
Protect Endangered California Condor


    A broad coalition including hunters, Native Americans, and health and conservation organizations filed suit today against the California Fish and Game Commission and Department of Fish and Game for continuing to allow toxic lead ammunition to poison rare California condors even though safe, reliable shot is readily available. The Wishtoyo Foundation, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Center for Biological Diversity, along with representatives from the hunting community brought suit under the federal Endangered Species Act.

    “The safety of our families and healthy wildlife are important to hunters across California,” said Anthony Prieto, a hunter and plaintiff in the case. “There’s a simple solution that lets hunters hunt while protecting condors, eagles, and other wildlife; it’s lead-free ammo. I know from experience that these bullets are safe and ballistically outperform bullets made from lead.”

    California condor photo by Scott Frier

    The California condor is one of the most imperiled animals in the world. They were so close to extinction that in 1982, the last 22 wild birds were rounded up as part of a captive-breeding program. The government began releasing condors back into the wild in 1992, and the Los Padres National Forest provides prime habitat for the bird.

    Condors, bald eagles, and golden eagles inadvertently ingest lead when they encounter carcasses or the remains of animals cleaned by hunters in the field. Microscopic lead particles are widespread throughout game shot with lead ammunition. Condors also can mistake bullet fragments for the calcium-rich bone they require. The birds absorb the toxic metal more quickly than other raptors and expel it less efficiently.

    “Condors are critical to our culture and to our religion,” said Mati Waiya, a Chumash ceremonial leader and the executive director of the Wishtoyo Foundation, a Native American organization in central California. “But they will not survive so long as we continue to allow them to be poisoned by lead. We can solve this with the use of safe and effective nontoxic ammunition that will allow hunters to continue their activities and, at the same time, protect condors.”



    Lead is a toxic element that can cause brain damage, kidney disease, high blood pressure and numerous reproductive and neurological disorders. Lead poisoning is the leading cause of death for condors reintroduced to the wild. Scientists estimate that lead poisoning is likely responsible for killing as many as 46 of the 127 condors released in California.

    A 2003 study commissioned by the California Department of Fish and Game estimated that more than 30,000 lead-contaminated carcasses are left in condor range annually. The lead exposure problem has been known since the early 1980s, and with only 138 condors now in the wild and the potential for mass poisonings, condor experts and toxicologists have been warning for several years that failure to address the problem could prevent the condor reintroduction program's success.

    Five scientific studies published this year add to the overwhelming body of evidence showing that lead ammunition from game hunting is poisoning condors. In August 2005, a group of condor recovery experts and toxicologists published a research paper in Environmental Science and Technology titled "Ammunition is the Principal Source of Lead Accumulated by California Condors Re-Introduced to the Wild." The researchers found that blood lead levels of condors in the wild were 10-fold higher than those in captive-raised condors. They demonstrated that the lead isotope signature of commonly used ammunition sold in condor range exactly matches the isotope of the lead found in poisoned condors.

    In a recent Peregrine Fund study, x-rays of deer killed by hunters showed that bullets had exploded into dozens of tiny pieces, with half the carcasses carrying at least 100 bullet fragments. These results raise human health concerns for those eating wild game shot with lead ammunition. The study also examined gut piles left behind by hunters and found that 90 percent contained lead fragments – indicating that the condor food supply is almost completely contaminated with toxic lead.

    These results demand immediate state regulations requiring non-lead ammunition for hunting in the condor range.



    Bullets made from copper and other materials are widely available for hunting big game and perform as well or better than lead ammunition. Non-lead ammunition also is safer for hunters and their families, or anyone who eats game, which often contains shot or small metal fragments. Lead is an extremely toxic element that can cause brain damage, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and numerous reproductive and neurological disorders. It has been banned in plumbing, paint, and cookware for many years.

    “My mother fell ill earlier this year after accidentally ingesting lead fragments in venison from a deer that I shot,” said Leif Bierer, another hunter and plaintiff. “This is a real threat to hunters and their families.”


    One Canadian study found that ammunition used to harvest wild game is a major source of lead exposure in Native American communities.


    “People eating meat from animals taken with lead ammunition often have unhealthy lead levels in their own bodies,” said Jonathan Parfrey, executive director for Physicians for Social Responsibility.

    Federal law already requires the use of non-lead shot when hunting waterfowl due to widespread lead poisoning of waterfowl and secondary poisoning of eagles. Lead poisoning of loons, swans, upland game and the continued poisoning of eagles prompted additional restrictions on lead shot and lead fishing tackle in national parks, national wildlife refuges and on public lands in many states.



    Last year, the California Fish and Game Commission rejected a citizen petition asking them to phase out all use of lead shot in condor habitat. Over the past two years, legislation was proposed that would require the use of non-lead ammo for hunting in the condor range. Both times, the legislation was defeated, even though bullets made from copper and other metals are widely available and perform equal to or better than lead bullets.

    Since the petition was filed two years ago, three condors in California have required extremely painful chelation therapy to "de-lead" their blood and save their lives after feeding on lead-tainted carcasses. In June, four more condors at Pinnacles National Monument had significant levels of lead poisioning after feeding on lead-contaminated carcasses of ground squirrels.

    After two years of inaction by the Fish and Game Commission, and in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, wildlife advocates were left with little choice but to file suit to uphold our nation's wildlife protection laws.



    Recently, the commission indicated it might consider regulating lead ammunition in condor country. NRDC attorney James Birkelund welcomed that news, but he noted that “it’s been two years since we petitioned the commission for urgent action, and the poisoning continues. Time is short, and condors need more than good intentions.”

    Bob Hattoy, vice president of the Fish and Game Commission, said the science is clear. "Lead is killing the condors. Lead is also poisoning hunters, their families and those who eat their kill. And it is killing Native Americans who live off the land," said Hattoy to the Los Angeles Times, the only commissioner who supported a 2005 petition to impose an immediate ban on lead ammunition.

    If the Commission fails to act, the success of the $40 million California Condor recovery program will remain in great jeopardy. ForestWatch will post updates of the Commission's meeting as the dates gets closer.

From LA Times, Monterey County Herald, wire reports, and official press release.



Project Gutpile
promoting non-lead ammunition and raising lead awareness in the hunting community


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