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July 20, 2006


Governor Files Petition to Protect Over 4.4 Million Acres in California From Roadbuilding and Development; 636,000 Acres of Los Padres Roadless Areas at Stake


Sacramento, CA - Today, the State of California filed a petition with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to permanently protect all Inventoried Roadless Areas in the state. If approved by the federal government, it would keep 4.4 million acres - or 21 percent of California's national forests - off limits to road construction or development.

Inventoried Roadless Areas represent the last undeveloped, unprotected areas of national forest land in the country. These pristine lands have no roads or development. They provide large blocks of intact habitat for rare wildlife, clean water supplies for local communities, and vast wide-open landscapes for hiking, bicycling, and a host of other recreational pursuits.

The governor's thirteen-page petition now heads to Washington, DC where it will be reviewed by an advisory committee. During the 90-day review period, the committee will provide recommendations to Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns. Based on this recommendation, the Secretary will decide whether to accept the petition, modify it, or deny it. If the Secretary accepts it, then the federal government will work with the State to formally adopt regulations protecting these roadless areas.

In 2005, the federal government repealed the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule, which protected all these areas throughout the country. In its place, the federal government established a new rule under which states could petition the federal government for state-specific roadless protections. California now joins Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and New Mexico. Arizona, Idaho, and other states are expected to file petitions by the November 13, 2006 deadline. Some states, including Washington, Oregon, California, and New Mexico, have also filed a lawsuit to restore the 2001 Roadless Rule that protected all of America's roadless areas. That lawsuit is currently pending.

The governor's thirteen-page petition outlines specific policies to keep roadless areas in their natural state for generations to come. It would prevent the building of all new roads, except for those needed for public health or safety purposes such as forest fire prevention. Exceptions are also made for existing leases or rights, such as new roads to existing oil leases. Under such situations, the land would be returned to its natural state after the road is no longer needed.

On the same day, the California Resources Agency and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection appealed the four Southern California forest plans. The new plan for the Los Padres National Forest would allow road building in 74% of the forest's Inventoried Roadless Areas. The State of California also accused the Forest Service of backtracking on its promise to protect these roadless areas. The appeals ask Forest Service officials to revise the management plans to better protect roadless areas while the petition is pending.


The Los Padres contains 51 roadless areas spanning over 630,000 acres in Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Kern, and Monterey counties. These roadless areas appear in varying shades of brown on the map below. Permanently protected wilderness areas are shown in light green.

The roadless petition would protect all 51 of these roadless areas, including:


Mono, Diablo, and Juncal IRAs (Santa Barbara County, 57214 acres) - These three roadless areas are some of the most wild, unprotected lands in the Los Padres. Stretching from the Santa Ynez River to the Dick Smith Wilderness Area, these lands provide popular hiking, biking, and fishing opportunities, as well as camping at Caliente. Year-round streams support one of the largest populations of threatened California red-legged frogs on the forest.

Fox Mountain IRA (Santa Barbara County, 52082 acres) - The largest contiguous roadless area on the Los Padres, Fox Mountain overlooks the Cuyama Valley and is known for its exposed rock formations. Lion Canyon was a former release site for endangered California condors, and this area contains a rich assemblage of sites important to Native Americans, including the Sierra Madre Cultural Resource Area.

Horseshoe Springs & Miranda Pines IRAs (Santa Barbara County, 30333 acres) - Just twenty miles east of Santa Maria, the Horseshoe Springs roadless area supports rare animals like the threatened red-legged frog and the California spotted owl. The Bear Canyon Trail cuts through this area and is a popular access point for hikers and mountain bikers.



Sespe-Frazier IRA (Ventura County, 31270 acres) - The Topa Topa Bluffs tower above the community of Ojai and serve as a well-known landmark for this area that stretches from Sespe to Piru creeks. It includes popular trails like Santa Paula Canyon, Potrero John, Middle Sespe, Red Reef, and Pothole.

Nordhoff IRA (Ventura County, 12024 acres) - Spanning the Nordhoff Ridge, this roadless area provides a source of clean water for the Ojai Valley. Chief Peak offers a scenic overlook of the valley and excellent coastal views beyond. This area is popular with hang gliders, hikers, bicyclists, and horseback riders.



Antimony IRA (Kern County, 40513 acres) - The Antimony Roadless Area consists of pinon-juniper woodlands and grasslands in the northeastern corner of the Los Padres near Frazier Park. San Emigdio Peak (elev. 7,495') is the dominant landform, and the area looks out over the San Andreas Fault and the adjacent Wind Wolves Preserve. The area is within the historic range of the California condor, Tule elk, and pronghorn, all of which have been reintroduced nearby. Antimony is popular with hikers and bicyclists alike.

Sawmill-Badlands IRA (Ventura and Kern counties, 51037 acres) - These nine parcels border the Chumash Wilderness Area, and include the Mt. Pinos summit, where visitors can enjoy views from the Sierras to the Pacific Ocean. This roadless area also includes the Mt. Pinos Botanical Special Interest Area for native plant enthusiasts, and habitat for the endangered California condor.



Machesna Mountain IRA (San Luis Obispo County, 12245 acres) - These four parcels all border the existing Machesna Mountain Wilderness Area. They're adjacent to a release site for the endangered California condor, and also contain several Native American heritage sites.

Big Rocks IRA (San Luis Obispo County, 11841 acres) - The southernmost extent of the Santa Lucia Range, east of Arroyo Grande, is characterized by rolling hills, steep canyons, and large rock outcrops popular with rock climbers. The area also contains several Native American heritage sites and habitat for rare animals like the California red-legged frog and the least Bell's vireo.



Black Butte IRA (Monterey County, 2500 acres) - Adjacent to the Ventana Wilderness Area, the largest wilderness area on the Los Padres, Black Butte contains mixed evergreen forests. Piney Creek flows through these parts, providing critical habitat for endangered steelhead.




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